Community News

Book Swap:

Just installed – bookshelves with a variety of books available to read on the day or take and leave a replacement to swap with.


As some of you passing may have seen, we now have a new defibrillator next to the entrance door of the village hall. This has been installed for the community thanks to the fabulous generosity of the football club and funds raised by the community via events held at the village hall.

Should the defib ever need to be accessed, you should phone 999 for an ambulance and to report the cardiac arrest, the ambulance call centre will be aware of all defib cabinets in the area and they will then provide the code required to unlock the defib from the cabinet.

The defibrillator is foolproof, will talk you through all the steps involved and will NOT shock a patient unless absolutely necessary.

During the current covid pandemic, it should also be noted that the public should avoid any airway ventilation unless they know the patient and are willing to take the risk.

The UK Resuscitation Council advises that in the event of a cardiac arrest, you are to place a piece of clothing/sheet/cloth over the patient’s face before commencing CPR. This is to avoid any aerosol generated from CPR potentially contaminating those helping the patient. Safety is important for both patient and carer.

After use, it must be reported to ensure new defib pads can be fitted.

For further information please see:

If there are any queries at all please do not hesitate to contact us at and we can direct your query onto the correct person.